Sergio Pinhão
Dimensions:56 x 75 cm
Edition:150 signed and numbered copies
Reference: SP0001
PVP:450€ (with passpartout)
About Sérgio Pinhão
1969: Sérgio Pinhão attends the Superior School of Fine Arts in Lisbon, where he studied architecture. That same year, he studied engraving with João Hogan and, in 1970, serigraphy with the Belgian artist Dacos.
He stood out mainly as an engraver during the 70s and 80s, in connection with the former GRAVURA Cooperative, where he was a member of the Board for several years and where he worked in serigraphy in a notable way.
1979:Member of the Technical Council and board member of the National Society of Fine Arts.
His engraving work was, for several years, subsidized by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, which also supported research in holography. Since 1993, he has also dedicated himself to computer graphics. From 1995 he resumed his work in painting and serigraphy.
He participated in several exhibitions: 1970 Exhibition of the Serigraphy Course, «Engraving», IV Salão da Arte Moderna de Luanda and 1st International Biennial of Seoul, Korea; 1971 Seattle Art Museum 42dm International, Seattle, USA; group show at The Gallery «New Jersey», USA; 5th Modern Art Salon in Luanda, group show at Galeria S. Francisco, Lisbon and 9th International Biennial in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia.
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